Incorporating Social Media Platforms Like Facebook and Twitter Into Your Job Search


From checking our Facebook feeds, to posting on Instagram, to our regular tweets and snapchats, we all use social media everyday, but social isn’t the only use for all that media!

Just about every company you can think of has now expanded their job advertisement strategies to include social media to recruit talent. Many of them even have a separate account specifically for posting jobs and other branding materials to attract job seekers. Most people already use Linkedin as part of their job search, but many forget about the valuable resources Facebook and Twitter can be.


With over half a billion users worldwide, Facebook is a great way to attract talent.  Some larger companies even have a separate Facebook page just for positing jobs or a separate tab below their ‘cover photo’ next to their ‘page likes’. It is usually labeled as “We’re hiring” or “Careers”.

To make things easier, search “[company name] Facebook jobs” in your Internet browser and if they have one, the company’s Facebook page will pop up. Make sure you include the word “jobs” so your browser can distinguish between the company’s Facebook page and their Facebook jobs page. You can also go on the company’s official website and look for them on Facebook. The icon is usually located at the top or bottom of the site or in ‘Contact Us’ section.

Once you’re on the jobs page, there will be a search bar for you to type in the position you’re interested in and your desired location. Another way to search for jobs is to click on their ‘current job openings’ where you can narrow your search down by categories.


Even though Twitter is a bunch of continuous tweets of only 140 characters, there are still effective ways to utilize this platform to find jobs. Just like Facebook, some companies will have a separate Twitter page strictly to tweet out their job openings. Again, type in “[company name] Twitter jobs” in your web browser. The company’s Twitter handle will usually contain the word ‘jobs’ in it to distinguish it from their main Twitter page.

Use #hashtags to search for jobs on Twitter: 

Hashtags are the most effective way to search for anything on Twitter without scrolling through endless tweets. But to narrow your search to jobs only, type in these common hashtags in the search bar: #jobs, #hiring, #[job title], #[name of industry], #[location of job], #[company name], #jobopening. Companies will use some of these hashtags in their tweets when they post a job to make it easier for candidates to find it.

Come back for more social media job tips tomorrow!


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